Nexus Integration
- Nexus Integration AS is a Norwegian software development company.
- The main focus and product is Nexus Terminal. A Telnet 3270, 5250 and VT/ANSI terminal emulator with: recording, a script language, file transfer (ftp and IND$FILE), host print (Telnet 3270 / 5250 host print, LPD and VT pass through print) and HLLAPI.
- Nexus Integration is based on more than thirty years of communication software development and consulting. Hands on know-how with SNA (PU type 2.1, APPC / CPIC, HLLAPI, 3270, 5250 and IND$FILE), TCP/IP (telnet, ftp, lpd, nfs/rpc/xdr, http/html/cgi, ssh and ssl) and SMS/MMS protocols (EMI, CIMD and SMPP).
- The program languages C, C++ (MS Visual C++), C# and Java has been used in different client/server projects.
- Please contact Hans Erik if you need some more information about Nexus Terminal or if you have any other questions.
- The source code for the WinSock communication interface used by Nexus Terminal is available online.
- Contact information:
- Email:
- Post address: Nexus Integration
Vardenbakken 101
N-1452 Nesoddtangen
Nexus Mainframe Service:
- A Windows Service which can be used to test and evaluate Telnet 3270 and 5250 clients.
- It can be installed and run from any Windows Server/Workstation.
- At startup it will open three listen ports (default 5021, 5022 and 5023).
- On each port a set of difference 3270/5250 screen images will be returned.
- Listen port numbers can be set in registry at System \ CurrentControlSet \ Services \ NI_MFS.
- The first port (5021) is a "slow" replay mode, with a delay of 1.5 second.
- The next port (5022) is a "contiguous loop" port. This is done with an insertion of a query at the end of each screen image.
- This port connection can be used for performance and stability evaluating.
- The last port (5023) is a "normal" replay mode connection.
- The event log will be updated when a new connection has been established and when it is disconnected.
- Installation:
- Copy ni_mfs.exe to disk folder like C:\Program Files\NIMFS and type: ni_mfs.exe -install
- Afterwards it can be started from the Control Panel or with the command: net start ni_mfs
- And it can be removed with the command: ni_mfs.exe -remove
- Download Nexus Mainframe Service - 80 KB.
- A ready to run secure Nexus telnet (SSL) session to the US IRS tax system.
- TpApi is a HLLAPI test program with source code available for download at: - 35 KB.
- A Visual Basic interface to NMT/HLLAPI, written by Sheantré Noé, is available for download at: - 4 KB.
- A network proxy (NPS), which can be used to check the data (in hexadecimal) between two network sockets (TCP/IP). Unzip
and move nps.exe to folder like C:\Temp. Nps must be started from a command console (dos).
Usage: nps [Remote host] [Remote port] [Local port] [T] [C]
Like: nps 23 2023 t
In this case, nps will open a listen port 2023 on localhost. When a clients connects to that port, nps will then open a connection to port 23 on (or an IP address) an log all data received and sent to io.log. The T option will append a ascii log to the hexadecimal log and C is used to make a copy both to the log file and to the console.
nps.exe localhost 5023 23 t
Wait for local connection on port 23. Terminate nps with Ctrl-C (1) 0023E02E 0778 New connection Wait for new connection 0023E3FA 0778 Server data 23 311 0023E436 0778 Client data 33 0 0023E47C 0778 Server data 9 70 0023E4B8 0778 Client data 123 50 0023E4B8 0778 Server data 1749 0
Column information: Time, socket reference, Client/Server data, byte count and number of ms since the previous data packet was received