- Nexus Terminal is a WinSock Telnet 3270/5250/VT/ANSI terminal emulator.
- 3270 - LU type 2, model 2, 3, 4, 5 and DYNAMIC are supported.
- 3270 - Graphical Data Display Manager (GDDM/Load Programmed Symbols).
- 5250 - terminal size 24 × 80 and 27 × 132.
- VT/ANSI - terminal name: ansi, scoansi, linux, vt52, vt100, vt102, vt220, vt320 and vt420.
- VT/ANSI - terminal size 24 × 80, 25 × 80, 34 × 80 and 44 × 80, with support for 132 columns.
- Extended character attributes like underline, blink, reverse and column separator are supported.
- Support for starting a 3270/5250 printer session from a terminal session.
- Nexus Terminal End User License Agreement
- Nexus Terminal / Printer / FTP/FTPS/SFTP screen shots, setup, scripting and usage.
- Nexus Terminal, included Nexus Printer (Telnet 3287/3812 and LPD), has been extended with the latest TN3270E specifications according to RFC2355 and the latest Telnet 5250 Enhancements from IETF
- All emulation's has support for a scroll back buffer with previous screen images.
- The Nexus Terminal support for SSH is based on OpenSSH (www.openssh.org).
- The Nexus Terminal/printer support for SSL/TLS is based on OpenSSL (www.openssl.org).
- Terminal interaction based on HLLAPI (IBM Enhanced EHLLAPI) is supported in NIAPI.DLL.
- TpApi is a HLLAPI test program with source code available for download at: TpApi.zip.
- Both the Write Structured Field and the CutMode version of the file transfer protocol IND$FILE are supported.
- The following ANSI to EBCDIC translation tables are supported:
Australian, Austrian, Belgian, Bulgarian, Croatia, Cyrillic, Czech, French Canadian, Danish, English (UK/US), Finnish, French, German, Greek, Hebrew, Hungarian, Icelandic, Italian, Multinational, Netherlands, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese, Russian, Slovakian, Spanish, Swedish, Swiss, Thai and Turkish. - Recording of keyboard and host events into ready to run script files.
- A flexible and easy to use script language is included with more than a hundred script functions.
- Optional toolbar buttons can be added to and removed from the toolbar. The toolbar buttons will be enabled/disabled according to session state, scripting and recording.
- Nexus Terminal can be used with both bitmap and TrueType fonts (Ansi/OEM) which can be scaled to a fixed size.
- Nexus Printer is a Telnet 3270 (3287 / LU type 1 and 3), 5250 (3812) printer and Line Printer Daemon (LPD) emulator. It is based on RFC1646/1179 and extended with the latest TN3270E specifications according to RFC2355 and the latest IETF draft for Telnet 5250 Enhancements.
- Nexus Printer has also support for firewall authentication and logon in Tn3270/5250 print mode.
- The Tn5250 emulation has support for Device/Display Name setup/specification.
- A ftp/ftps/sftp client, NexusFTP, is also included with Nexus Terminal. It has support for most IBM and Unix systems.
- Installation:
- There are two versions of the installation program. The demo version will install nexus terminal and create a test license. The other version (registered) will also install nexus terminal, but a license must be provided as input. The rest of the information is related to the registered installation version.
- The registered Nexus Terminal installation program nmtnnn.exe can be executed in both command (batch) and normal Windows mode. If it's started without any parameters, then it will start as a Windows installation program.
- The installation can be done in both server, private and client mode. Client mode is only available from the command line.
- If it has been installed in server mode, then each end user will have it's own directory for session and script files. It's called NexusIT and it's created in the directory $APPDATA, $USERPROFILE or $HOMEPATH
- If none of the environment variables are set, then a directory selection dialog will be opened the first time nmt.exe (or nmp.exe) is started.
- Command line parameters:
- nmt_nnn.exe [-C|P|X|Z|R|S] LNO [DIR]
- LNO - License number.
- DIR - Installation directory. Must be included with the C option.
- -S - Server or multi users installation.
The server installation can be used on both a central/terminal server and a single end user PC. - -P - Private installation. Session and script files will be stored in a separate directory.
- -X - Same as P, but it will not create a Program Group.
- -Z - Server or multi users installation just like the s/S option, but it will not create a Program Group.
- -R - Server or multi users installation just like the z/Z option and disable script/recording with the regustry entry "NoScriptSupport".
- -C - Client installation after a server installation. No files will be installed, but the registry will be updated with the needed information.
- Like: nmtnnn.exe -S 0123-CDEF-4567-89AB
- If the installation parameters -c, -p, -x, -z, -r or -s is set in lowercase, then the installation program will terminate without the last message box.
- The installation program will ask for your licence number if it has not been provided as a parameter.
- Server installation:
- Nexus Terminal supports server installation on both Citrix and the different Microsoft terminal servers.
- Nexus Terminal will then also install a Windows service called NexusCS. The service must be set to automatic startup and then started. The person who install nexus in server mode will be it's administrator.
- Nexus Terminal will create a private session folder and copy all nexus session/script files from the nexus installation path to the users session folder the first time it's started.
- The Nexus Terminal administrator can later force all client users to copy all new/updated session and script files from the installation path to the private folder with the Misc. setup option "Update session and script files". That option is only available for the nexus administrator.
- These installation setup options are not supported with the demo installation program.
- Please contact Nexus Integration if you would like to have a complete evaluation of both this installation and the product.
- If you have been forwarded here from PayPal, then you will receive your Nexus terminal software and license shortly.
- Uninstall: Nexus terminal can be uninstalled from the "Windows list of installed programs" or with the program uni_nmt.exe.
- All installation and setup changes are stored in registry, but terminal and printer sessions are stored in separate files.
It will ask for a confirmation if it's not started with the option -s.